Ready for more?

Navigating singleness can be both amazing and challenging. So many singles desire to feel steady and grounded while still desiring a relationship that is God-given. However, so many struggle as they are in and out of dating relationships and left with more questions and hurtful experiences than they would want. This course on secure singleness will help singles learn to find security in their worth, identity, and value systems for how they interact relationally. The extra perk is this security can be experienced not only within romantic relationships, but many others. This course also includes a couple testimonies of those who have struggled, learned, healed, and continue to grow within their singleness. Give yourself the opportunity to experience singleness with a new mindset.

Course Content

    1. Welcome to Secure Singleness

    2. Secure Singleness Part 1

    3. Secure Singleness Part 2

    4. Cary's Testimony

    5. Hailey's Testimony

    6. Bonus Encouragement

About this course

  • $37.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Give yourself the opportunity to experience singleness with a new mindset.